Helping a million people every day

staying safe, informed, and entertained on the go by broadcasting from helicopters was our mission for 20 years.

If our team could make the day better for a million people, imagine the huge positive impact it would have if people, organizations, and things worldwide connected in OneTraffic to help each other.

We promise to do everything we can to create the network you need to communicate, collaborate, and coordinate smarter and more effective in traffic. Please join our journey. Without you it will not work.

Together as one traffic.

André Eilertsen, founder

Why it’s important

You and your family

Personal and professional members of OneTraffic like the police, your city, weather services, companies, emergency responders etc. will be able to stream messages in time to save you from dangers and problems.

This will save lives every day.

50 million lives

Personal and professional members streaming safe audio messages instead of text messages, and reducing time spent looking at screens, will reduce the 50 million fatal and non-fatal injuries in traffic every year.

Effective mobility

Personal and professional members in a city using OneTraffic to communicate, collaborate and coordinate their mobility is the most effective way to increase transportation capacity and reduce air pollution.

70% of the world’s population will live in cities by 2030.

Better communities everywhere

Personal and professional members moving around unknown to each other will finally get an effective way to connect and collaborate on improving their community.

This opens up a whole new world of opportunities we have never had before.

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We use an email system called MailChimp. You can stop emails at any time. Just click the link we include in the email. For more information about their privacy practices click here.